Store Shopping Policy
Store Shopping Policy:
The Bead Shop welcomes EVERYBODY and looks forward to giving you a positive shopping experience full of beautiful beads. If you bring in joy, we will match it with joy!
If for any reason during your time here, you are not adhering to our shopping policy, you will be asked to leave due to that behavior and you will not be able to return.
Our shopping policy:
- You must keep your store merchandise visible and in a shopping basket or bead board at all times.
- You must keep an ACCURATE track of your price and quantity while shopping, as you are choosing the merchandise.
- Individual merchandise must be placed in our ZIPLOC bags with the accurate price written on the outside.
- You must act with kindness and respect towards our staff.
- Children must be kept next to an adult at all times while in the store. This is a safety issue, and we will remind you of this if you don't abide by this important rule.
Our policy is not limited to this list, therefore any other behavior we deem disturbing, inappropriate or generally not contributing to our positive, happy, peaceful store environment is subject to refusal of service.
Please be advised that the entire business has video and voice surveillance and is monitored 24/7.